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61 articles found

A Better Way of Dealing with Conflict

Conflict happens when two people disagree about something.
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Alzheimer's Caregiving: Changes in Communication Skills

Get tips on how to improve verbal and nonverbal communication with a person with Alzheimer's disease.
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Anger: Events, Cues, and Control

In this article, you will learn how to analyze an episode of anger.
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Assertive Communication

Assertiveness is communicating and expressing your thoughts, feelings, and opinions in a way that makes your views and needs clearly understood by others, without putting down their thoughts, feelings, or opinions.
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Assertiveness Skills

Assertiveness is the ability to state positively and constructively your rights or needs without violating the rights of others.
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Boomerang Kids: They Just Keep on Coming

There's no place like home. It's a happy Hollywood thought, and after the kids have left the nest it's nice for parents to ponder those occasions when they'll venture back to spend a little time at the old homestead.
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Conflicting Political Opinions at Work

Political conflicts at work are particularly likely to create division rather than connection and understanding among coworkers.
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Conversation Strategies to Use When Talking With Older Adults (Part 1)

It is often a challenge to discuss difficult issues that involve change.
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Conversation Strategies to Use When Talking With Older Adults (Part 2)

Speak as you would to any other responsible adult.
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Coping with Feelings of Isolation and Alienation in Times of International Conflict

In times of international tension and armed conflict, people sometimes have a tendency to hold ordinary people to blame for the actions of their governments.
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COVID-19: Helping an Older Relative Stay Connected

The goal should be to minimize both the risk of illness from COVID-19 and the risks that come from social isolation.
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Dealing with Caregiver Stress in a COVID-19 World

In a world with COVID-19, stresses in caring for family members can be magnified by new worries and gaps in the usual systems of support.
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Death of a Parent

When a child's parent has died, it feels like the worst possible thing that could happen has happened. Shock, disbelief, anger, sadness, and guilt are just a few of the things the surviving child may be feeling.
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Effective Communication in Caring for Older Adults

Good communication is an important part of the healing process. Effective doctor–patient communication has research-proven benefits.
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Effective Communication: Basic Skills

Here are the steps involved in the send-receive model of communication.
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Fixing a Fractured Friendship

You and your best friend seem to be seeing less of each other. When you do talk, you get on each other's nerves or argue about stupid things.
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Getting the Respect You Deserve

Respect—high regard, esteem, or honor—isn't reserved for the brave and famous. Everyone needs respect.
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Going to the Hospital: Tips for Dementia Caregivers

Going to the hospital can be stressful for someone with Alzheimer's disease or another dementia. Know what to expect and how to prepare for an ER or hospital visit.
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Handling Political Conflict at Work

In times of political or armed conflict between countries, strong emotions and opinions can lead to personal conflict at work.
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Healthy Social Media Habits

Technology has changed the way people interact with each other.
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Helping Children Cope with Trauma When You Feel Its Effects Yourself

Exposure to dangerous and violent situations can lead to emotional and physical reactions in both children and adults.
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How Body Language Affects Negotiations

Body language research has catalogued 135 distinct gestures and expressions of the face, head, and body.
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How Personal Attributes Affect Negotiations

You need be aware of the effect that your physical appearance may have on nonverbal communication.
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How Physical Environment Affects Negotiations

The physical environment transmits nonverbal messages that can be extremely important to negotiators.
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How You Can Help Your Grieving Parent

In time, grief will diminish, although it may take a year or longer. One of the best gifts you can give your parent is patience and understanding.
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Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat

Implicit bias is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgments, decisions, and behaviors.
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Iron Out Your Issues

No plan will magically solve every problem or situation, but here are some ideas that have worked like a charm for other people.
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Learn to Communicate Assertively at Work

Healthy communication plays an important part in making your workplace not only effective but also a pleasant place to be.
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Listening to Clarify, Probe, and Reframe

One of the most difficult tasks you will have is to be sure the words you hear have the same meaning for you as they have for the other person speaking.
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Listening to Paraphrase

Paraphrasing lets the other person know you are trying to understand his or her problem.
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Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Below are a few tips that can aid in maintaining healthy relationships.
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Making the Most of Small Talk

It's very easy to minimize the importance of small talk.
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Managing Conflict on Your Team

Managing conflict is a critical part of your job as a manager: a skill you need to learn and a responsibility you need to face.
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Microaggressions are everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults—whether intentional or unintentional.
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No Retirement From Parenthood

There's no need to include your adult children in your day-to-day plans for a leisurely retirement, is there?
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Nonverbal Communication

Good negotiators must first be good communicators. Verbal exchanges account for only a fraction of the messages people send and receive.
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Nonverbal communication: what you're saying without speaking

Good negotiators must first be good communicators. Verbal exchanges account for only a fraction of the messages people send and receive.
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Opening Up Appropriately

Different relationships call for different levels of self-disclosure.
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Positive Parenting Tips: Teens

The following sections offer positive parenting tips for teens.
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Practicing Listening Skills

Listening is an art, a skill, and a discipline. Like other skills, it requires self-control.
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Practicing Mindful Communication

Mindful communication happens when you are truly present in the moment. It involves entering a conversation with curiosity, kindness, and compassion.
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Responding to Microaggressions

Because they happen so often, it's not practical to respond to every microaggression. You need to pick your battles.
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Setting Limits With Your Teenager

Setting limits helps parents teach self-control and responsibility, show caring, and provide safe boundaries. It also provides youth with guidelines.
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Social Apps to Keep Connected in Quarantine

Social apps can help you keep connected while in quarantine.
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Talk to Your Kids About Sex (Part 1)

Teach your children the facts about their bodies, sex, and relationships. Talking with your kids about sex may not be easy, but it's important.
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Talk to Your Kids About Sex (Part 2)

Kids need information from an adult they trust. Use these tips to start a conversation with your child today.
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Talking About Race at Work

Talking about race, especially with people of different races, can be difficult.
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Talking to Tweens About Sexuality

One day your little girl is running around in her brother's used jeans, and the next she's a 9-year-old who's lecturing you about the latest fashions and makeup trends.
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Talking to Your Teenager

If you build a strong and open relationship with your teenager, it will be easier to engage in conversation with them.
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Talking with Children About Violence

Talking with children about violence can be hard, but it's often the best way to help. Adults avoid talking to children about violence for many reasons.
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Talking with Children During Infectious Disease Outbreaks

This article provides parents, caregivers, and teachers with strategies for helping children manage their stress during an infectious disease outbreak.
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Talking with Older Patients About Sensitive Subjects (Part 1)

Caring for an older patient requires discussing sensitive topics. Many older people have a "don't ask, don't tell" relationship with health care providers.
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Talking with Older Patients About Sensitive Subjects (Part 2)

Many older people have thought about the prospect of their own death and are willing to discuss their wishes regarding end-of-life care.
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Talking with Teenagers About Violence

You may not be the first person a teenager will turn to when he or she is upset. The best you can do is listen, remain open and available, and let them know you're there for them.
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The Four Steps of Interest-Based Problem-Solving

Issues are the problems that are bugging you. Positions are the unilateral solutions to those problems.
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Tips for Assertive Communication

Assertive messages contain three parts: behavior, feelings, and effects.
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Tips for Breaking Bad News

At times managers are required to deliver bad news.
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Toxic Positivity

Well-meaning messages of positivity may seem like they're helping to lift another person's spirits, but they can do just the opposite.
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Two Principles of Interest-Based Problem-Solving

Here are two simple (but not always easy) principles of interest-based problem-solving.
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Understanding Bias

Bias is generally described as the tendency to favor a thing, person, or group, compared with another, usually in a way that is thought to be unfair.
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Your Aging Parents: Having Difficult Conversations

As an adult child, you may begin to notice your aging parents require more assistance.
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