This is your Member Reference Number (MRN). You’ll need to provide this when you make an appointment with an EAP counselor or contact your EAP by phone.

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Read legal assists on Consumer Rights below

218 articles found

After the Fire or Disaster: Dealing with Your Insurance Company

Ten tips for homeowners facing fire or smoke damage.
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Air Travel and Airline Passenger Rights FAQ

The plane truth about air travel and your rights.
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Air Travel: Children Traveling Alone

Tips for parents whose young children are flying by themselves.
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Airplane Accident Litigation and Victim Assistance Programs

Learn about airplane accident lawsuits and federal programs that help airplane crash survivors and victims' families.
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Airplane Turbulence and In-Flight Injuries

Airline passengers suffering from in-flight injuries may be able to sue the airline or manufacturers of the airplane and equipment.
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Applying for a Green Card

You can apply for a green card after getting the go-ahead from USCIS.
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Applying for a Nonimmigrant (Temporary) Visa

Where and how to get the right to spend a limited amount of time in the United States.
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Applying for ERISA Group Disability Benefits

If you're applying for long-term group disability benefits under ERISA or another plan, follow these steps.
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Are my injuries covered by workers comp if they happened at a company retreat?

Workers who are injured while performing work duties or running work errands are typically covered by workers’ comp.
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Asbestos and Mesothelioma Lawsuits: What to Expect

If you think you have a legal claim for illness caused by asbestos exposure, here's what you need to know.
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Asbestos in Consumer Products

Asbestos can still be found in some consumer products find out which ones.
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Asbestos in Homes and Schools

Asbestos can still be found in some homes, schools, and other buildings.
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Asbestos in the Workplace

Asbestos exposure and mesothelioma risks on the job
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Asbestos in Your Home: How to Manage the Problem

If the asbestos material is in good shape and will not be disturbed, do nothing! If it is a problem, there are two types of corrections: repair and removal.
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Asbestos Professionals: Should You Hire One?

An asbestos professional can help with inspection and remediation or removal of asbestos in your home.
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Asbestosis and Other Asbestos-Related Diseases

Asbestos exposure is a known cause of asbestosis, lung cancer, and other illnesses.
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Asylum or Refugee Status: How to Apply

If you think you qualify for asylum or refugee status, here's how to prove it to the U.S. government.
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Asylum or Refugee Status: Who Is Eligible?

If you've fled your home country and are afraid to go back, you may qualify for asylum or refugee status in the U.S.
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At the U.S. Border or Airport: What to Expect When Entering

Entering the U.S. may not be easy, even with a valid visa in hand.
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Automobile Service Contracts: Are They Worth it?

Before buying a car service contract, consider the cost, length,and coverage.
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Avoiding eBay Fraud

Learn about common eBay scams and how to protect yourself fromfraud.
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Beryllium Exposure, Health Effects & Compensation

Learn about beryllium health risks and how to get compensated for beryllium-related illnesses.
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Bike Accidents: Collisions With Cars at Intersections

Learn about liability when bikes and cars collide at intersections and how to avoid these crashes and accidents.
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Bike Accidents: What to Do After the Crash

If you are on a bicycle and get into an accident with a car or truck, what you do at the accident scene and immediately after is crucial.
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Birth-Related Medical Malpractice

Learn about birth-related injuries to babies and mothers who cansue, and what damages may be recovered.
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Buying a New Car

Want a good deal on a new car? Do your homework and learn how tonegotiate.
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Buying a Used Car

If you are buying a used car, here's how to get a good price and reliable car.
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Buying Car Insurance

Learn about the different types of automobile insurance coverageand how to cut costs when insuring your car.
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Can I be disciplined for sending an email asking people to support my favorite charity?

it is legal for your employer to ban employees from using the company's email system
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Can my employer read email from my personal account?

Is it possible for your employer to access your personal emails? And if so, is it legal for your employer to do so?
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Can our employer search our bags as we leave work?

There is a right to protection from unreasonable search and seizure
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Canceling a Contract Within Three Days

Cooling-off rules" allow you to cancel certain types of contracts within three days.
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Car Accident Defenses: Contributory and Comparative Negligence

Recovery may be limited when an accident victim negligently contributes to the cause of the accident.
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Car Accidents and Negligence: When You Are Liable for Another Persons Driving

You may be liable for a car accident and be sued for negligence,even if you weren't driving or in the car.
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Car Accidents Caused by Cell Phone Use

You may be liable for a car accident if you were using a cell phonewhile driving.
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Car Accidents With Pedestrians

Here's what to do, and how to determine fault, if you hit a pedestrian.
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Car Accidents: Proving Fault

Establish who's at fault in a car, motorcycle, or bicycle accidentor crash.
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Car Warranties: The Basics

Learn about express and implied automobile warranties and how to enforce them.
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Cell Phones and Driving in California: The New Law

It is illegal to use a handheld cellphone or to text while driving in California.
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Cell Phones, Texting, and Driving: State Laws

Find out which states ban cell phone use and texting while driving.
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Changing Your Name in California

Changing your name in California is simple. Here are the basics.
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Chinese Drywall Problems: Health Effects and Property Damage from Contaminated Drywall

Chinese drywall has been linked to health problems and metal corrosion in homes.
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Choosing Your Health Care Agent

Name the best person to direct your medical care if you are unable to do so yourself.
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Comparing Mortgages: Points, Interest Rates, and Fees

Use a mortgage calculator to compare mortgages that differ in interest rates, points, and fees.
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Consumer Scams FAQ

If you've been the victim of a consumer fraud or scam, learn what to do.
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Contingencies to Include in Your House Purchase Contract

The standard home purchase contract lists several conditions that must be met before the closing will take place, covering issues like financing, inspections, insurance, and more.
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Crib Recalls, Safety, and Litigation

Make sure your child's crib is safe: check for recalls and follow safety guidelines.
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Daily Money Management Programs for Seniors

Daily money management programs can help the elderly handle finances. Learn about DMMs and how to choose one.
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Damages in Defective Products Cases

Learn the types of damages you can get in defective productliability claims.
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Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice damages can include recovery for pain and suffering, medical bills, and reduced quality of life.
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Dealing With Your Insurance Company FAQ

Communicating with insurance companies about your personal injury claim.
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Dealing With Your Insurance Company: How to Protect Yourself

Protect yourself when buying or making a claim on an insurance policy.
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Defective Product Claims: Theories of Liability

If you have been injured or suffered other damages because of a product you used, you may have a defective products claim against the manufacturer, retailer, or other party in the chain of distribution.
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Defective Product Liability Claims: Who to Sue?

If you've been injured by a defective product and wish to sue to recover for your injuries, one of the first things you'll need to do is identify which people and companies might be liable and then name them as defendants in your claim
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Defenses in Personal Injury Cases

A look at common defense strategies that can bar or limit a personal injury lawsuit.
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Demand Letters: The Basics

Settling your dispute may be as easy as writing a payment demandletter.
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Does my employer have to allow me to swap shifts so I can observe my Sabbath?

You have the right to a reasonable accommodation to allow you to practice your religion.
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Donate Your Body to Medicine

How do I arrange a full body donation to a medical institution?
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`Dont Lose Your Home to Foreclosure Rescue Scammers`

Foreclosure "rescue" scammers steal your home, equity, and money.Here's how to protect yourself.
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Drug Infusion Pumps and Pain Pumps

Problems with drug infusion pumps have caused patient injuries such as chondrolysis and even death.
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DUI and DWI Tests for Alcohol or Drugs: Are They Accurate?

Learn about the reliability of breathalyzer, blood, and urine tests for DUIs and DWIs.
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eBay and Online Auctions: Tips for Buyers and Sellers

Learn how to protect yourself when buying and selling on eBay andother online auctions.
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Elegibilidad para la Tarjeta Verde (Green Card)

Tal vez usted pueda obtener la residencia permanente y la Tarjeta verde (Green card)
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Email Privacy

If you want privacy, don't count on email.
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EMF and Radiofrequency Exposure from Cell Phones and Power Lines

Here's the latest on EMF and RF exposure what science says and what types of lawsuits have met with success.
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Employee Rights Under OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Act)

The main federal law covering threats to workplace safety is the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
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FDIC Insurance: How Safe Is Your Money?

Learn whether your accounts would be at risk if your bank failed.
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Fences and Neighbors FAQ

Do good fences really make good neighbors? These frequently asked questions may help you decide.
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Financial Tips for the Holidays

Consumers spend more money during the holiday season that is, the three months before New Year's on presents, travel, and entertaining, than at any other time of the year.
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Five Strategies for Fighting a Traffic Ticket

Here's how to fight your speeding or traffic ticket.
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Flying With Your Pet FAQ

Air travel for animals can be tricky and dangerous business, so it is important to know what the law, the airlines, and veterinarians recommend.
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Food Poisoning and Foodborne Illnesses

Millions of people each year get sick from food poisoning, also called foodborne illness. In some cases of food poisoning, the sick person may have a legal claim.
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Getting the Most From Your Health Insurance

Learn about these important laws and make your health insurance benefits work for you.
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Getting Your Medical Records: Information on Rights, Procedures, and Denials

Your right to obtain medical records, and tips on how to get them.
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Go Green At Home, Save Money

These days, many homeowners are interested in going green.
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Green Card Qualification

Categories of people who can apply for a green card, to make their home in the U.S.
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Green Funerals: Protect the Planet and Your Pocketbook

A green burial or cremation is easier on the environment and savesmoney, too.
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Green Investing

Learn more about the green investment trend investing in companies and projects that help the environment.
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Green Remodeling: Eco-Friendly Home Improvements

Renovating a home can feel like such a fresh and healthy start until you start worrying about issues like the environmental impact of newly harvested or wasted materials, the off-gassing of newly introduced toxins, and more
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Gun Ownership Rights Under Heller

What does the Supreme Court say about your right to own a gun in Heller?
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Health Care Directives and Financial Powers of Attorney for Your Partner

To have the power to make medical and financial decisions for yourpartner, you must prepare the right legal documents.
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Health Care Reform: What Employers and Employees Need to Know

Learn about the 2010 health care reform law and how it affects you.
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Health Insurance and Pregnancy: Coverage for You and Your New Baby

For expecting mothers, having good health insurance during and after pregnancy is more important then ever.
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Health Plan Disputes: An Overview

You can fight a denial of coverage or incorrect bill from your health insurance company. Here's how.
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Health Plan Disputes: Internal Reviews

Take the first step in fighting a negative decision by your health plan ask for an internal review.
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Hiring a Contractor for Home Improvements

Hiring the right contractor is the key to the success of your home improvement project.
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Home Modifications for the Elderly

Home modifications can help seniors age in place.
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How Alcohol Can Lead to a DUI or DWI

Learn about blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and how it impairs your driving.
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How Do Insurers Value an Injury Claim?

Here's how insurance companies determine the value of your personal injury claim.
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How Does Spam Work?

Learn what spam is, how it works, and what you can do to stopreceiving unwanted emails.
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How Dog Owners Can Avoid a Lawsuit

Dog owners can take some simple steps to prevent injuries and legal headaches.
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How to Apply for U.S. Citizenship

Find out who is eligible for U.S. citizenship and how to apply.
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How to Buy Life Insurance

Before you buy a policy, compare rates, choose a trustworthy agent, and more.
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How to Clean Up Your Credit Report

Clean up your credit report so you can get the loans you need.
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How to Dispute a Billing Error on Your Debit or Credit Card Statement

Here's what to do if you find an error on your ATM, debit, orcredit card statement.
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How to Diversify Your Investments An Easy Rule of Thumb

Investment diversification protects your money from adverse stock market conditions.
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How to Hire a Mesothelioma or Asbestos Lawyer

Find a mesothelioma lawyer who can help you win money damages to compensate you for your exposure to asbestos.
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How to Identify Materials That Contain Asbestos

If you suspect that a product or material contains asbestos, here's what to do.
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How to Use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act

Use FOIA and the Privacy Act to get information from federal departments and agencies.
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Hurricanes and Flood Insurance: What Homeowners Should Know

To protect your home against hurricane and flood damage, purchase flood insurance.
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Identity Theft During Tax-Time: Protecting Yourself

Identity thieves become even busier than you at tax time find out how to protect yourself.
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If Your Wages Are Garnished: Your Rights

If you're subject to a wage garnishment, what are your rights?
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Insurance Adjusters: First Discussions

When talking about personal injuries to the other party's insurance company, remember this rule: Be polite but say little.
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Is Pet Insurance Necessary?

Learn about pet insurance, including the types of policies and whether it makes sense for you.
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Kids and Credit Cards: When Are They Ready for Plastic?

Teach your kids how to use credit cards wisely before they get into financial trouble.
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Lawsuits Involving Food Poisoning

Learn about product liability claims involving food poisoning or foodborne illness.
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Lead Paint in Your Home

Prior to 1978, lead was a common additive in many household paints.
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Leasing a Car

Get key information about a car lease before you sign on the dottedline.
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Lemon Law for New Cars

If your car turns out to be a lemon, you may be able to get arefund or replacement vehicle.
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Life Insurance Options

Learn about the basic types of life insurance.
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Long-Term Care Insurance: The Risks and Benefits

Is long-term care (LTC) insurance a good investment?
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Managing High Medical Bills

Medical debt is a major cause of financial struggle for many people.
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Mechanics Liens From Home Improvements

Protect yourself from mechanic's liens if your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or suppliers.
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Medical Expense Accounts: FSAs, HRAs, HSAs, and MSAs

Tax-advantaged accounts such as FSAs, HRAs, HSAs, and MSAs can help you save and pay for medical expenses.
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Medical Malpractice During Emergencies

Emergency medical situations may have special rules that don'tapply to other medical malpractice scenarios.
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Medical Malpractice FAQ

A look at medical malpractice lawsuits, common treatment errors, medical malpractice reform efforts, and more.
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Medical Malpractice: Common Errors by Doctors and Hospitals

What kinds of health care mistakes are behind most medical malpractice lawsuits?
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Medical Malpractice: Informed Consent

Informed consent is required before a medical procedure ortreatment.
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Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosis and Delayed Diagnosis

How the wrong diagnosis or late diagnosis from your doctor can lead to a medical malpractice lawsuit.
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Medical Malpractice: Using Expert Witnesses

Expert witness testimony is essential to most medical malpracticecases.
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Medical Malpractice: When Can Patients Sue a Hospital for Negligence?

Hospitals are responsible for their employees' negligence andmedical malpractice.
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Medicare and Medicaid: Whats the Difference?

Medicare and Medicaid coverage explained.
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Medicare Managed Care Plans: An Alternative to Medigap Insurance

A Medicare managed care plan can supplement your Medicare coverage.
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Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage: The Basics

Medicare Part D covers some of the costs of prescription drugs you take at home.
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Medicare Part D: Choosing a Prescription Drug Plan

Consider costs, coverage, and restrictions when shopping for a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan.
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Mesothelioma Diagnosis and Screening Methods

To screen patients for asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma, doctors have a number of options.
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Mesothelioma: Symptoms and Causes of Asbestos Lung Disease

Mesothelioma is linked to asbestos exposure. What are the causes and symptoms of this disease?
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Mold: Is It Hiding in the Home Youre Buying?

Recognize potential mold problems before buying a house and getthe seller's full disclosure for mold problems you can't see.
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Mortgage Refinancing to Avoid Foreclosure: The HOPE for Homeowners Act

The HOPE for Homeowners Act helps owners at risk of foreclosure to refinance their mortgages.
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Motorcycle Accidents: An Overview

The basics of motorcycle accidents risks, liability, defects, and what to do if you are in an accident.
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Motorcycle Accidents: Common Causes

Motorcycle speeding, lane splitting, and other common factors causing motorcycle accidents.
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Motorcycle Accidents: Lane Splitting

If an accident occurs when a motorcycle is lane splitting, who is at fault?
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Motorcycle Accidents: Road Hazards

Be alert for motorcycle road hazards and take steps to avoid motorcycle accidents.
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Motorcycle Helmet Laws and Recovery for Injuries

Recovering for head and neck injuries may depend on the state helmet law and whether the motorcyclist was wearing a helmet.
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Motorcycle Safety Tips: Avoid Accidents

Avoid motorcycle accidents by observing these safety tips.
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Negotiating With an Insurance Company

How to succeed in negotiating your insurance claim.
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Neighbors and Noise FAQ

Answers to your questions about noisy neighbors.
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New-Home Defects: Holding Your Builder Responsible

Many buyers choose newly built homes only to discover built-in damage later.
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Nursing Malpractice

If you are injured by a nurse's negligence, you may have a claimfor medical malpractice.
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Paintball Injury Lawsuits

Paintball is a popular game played by millions of people throughout the world.
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Personal Injury Accidents: Preserve Evidence

Protect evidence in a personal injury accident and find witnesses who can help prove your claim to an insurance company.
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Personal Injury Claims: Notifying Responsible Parties

If you intend to file a personal injury claim, it's important tonotify potential defendants after the accident.
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Personal Injury Claims: When You Can Handle Your Own

Injury insurance claims don't have to involve lawyers it's oftensmart to handle your own claim after an accident.
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Personal Injury Claims: When You Need a Lawyer

For certain personal injury claims such as those for severeinjuries, malpractice, or toxic exposure you'll want to consulta lawyer.
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Police Stops: What to Do If You Are Pulled Over

If you are pulled over by the police, here's what to do and say.
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Prepare for Deployment: Get Organized

Get your legal records, finances, and benefits in ship-out shape.
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Preventing Identity Theft

Minimize the risk of having your identity stolen.
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Preventing Identity Theft When You Travel

Don't let identity thieves take advantage of your absence fromhome.
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Product Liability Claims Involving Defective Cars

Learn about defective product cases involving cars, trucks, SUVs,motorcycles, ATVs, and other motor vehicles.
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Product Liability Claims Involving Medical Devices

Learn about defective product claims involving medical devices such as defibrillators, stents, implants, and contraceptive devices.
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Product Liability FAQ

Answers to basic questions about defective product liability claims
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Proving a Defective Product Liability Claim

Here's what you need to prove to win a defective product liability claim.
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Proving Fault in Personal Injury Accidents: General Rules

How to decide who is legally at fault for an accident or personal injury.
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Qualifying for a Mortgage

Here's the formula bank lenders use to determine how much mortgage you can afford.
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Renting a Car

It pays to learn some basic information about renting a car beforeyou appear at the rental counter.
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Resolving eBay Disputes

Online procedures can help resolve disputes and conflicts over eBay transactions.
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Returning an Engagement Ring

If the engagement is over, state law decides who keeps theengagement ring.
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Safety Recalls for Cars and Motorcycles

Recalls: What happens when a defect in your vehicle creates a safety hazard?
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Settling Your Personal Injury Claim FAQ

If you are injured in an accident, here are the first steps to take.
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Shopping for Credit Cards

Shop for a credit card by reviewing the key credit terms in eachoffer. Here's how.
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Single-Woman Homebuyers: What to Consider

An unprecedented number of single women are buying a home on their own. Here's how to make it the best decision of your life.
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Slip and Fall Accidents: Proving Fault

If you slip and fall on someone else's property, the property owner may be liable for your injuries.
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Speeding Tickets: How to Defend Yourself

When fighting a speeding ticket, understand the different types of speed limits and how to defend against each.
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Sponsoring a Fiancé or Spouse for a Green Card

Planning your immigration strategy is as important as planning your wedding.
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Stair Accidents: Proving Fault

If you've had an accident on stairs, here's how to determine if the property owner is at fault.
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State Consumer Protection Offices

If you're a consumer scam victim, get help from your state or local consumer protection agency.
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Stolen Identity? Heres What to Do

Here's a checklist of the steps you need to take if you suspect your identity has been stolen.
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Student Loan Repayment Options

A variety of student loan repayment plans are available to fit yourfinancial situation.
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Student Loans: Cancellation, Deferment, and Forbearance

How to defer your student loan payments, or cancel your loans altogether.
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Suing the Government for Negligence: The Federal Tort Claims Act

If you are injured by a government agency, you may be able to sueunder the Federal Tort Claims Act.
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Suing Your Lawyer for Malpractice

When a lawyer screws up, you may want to sue him, but provingmalpractice isn't easy.
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Take Notes After an Accident or Injury

Writing down the details after an accident is more accurate than relying on your memory.
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Tarmac Delays and Airline Passenger Rights

New federal rules limit tarmac delay times and spell out airlines' obligations to passengers.
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The Credit Card Act: More Protection for Cardholders

The credit card law of 2009 provides more rules to protect credt cardholders.
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The Health Care Reform Bill: 10 Things to Know

The new health care law has been passed, so what's in store?
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The Many Benefits of Sharing

Share your resources and enjoy social, financial, and environmental benefits.
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The Organ Donor: A Guide

Here's how to donate your organs after death.
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The Prepaid Funeral and Its Perils

You should be extremely cautious about funeral prepayment.
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Time Limits for Filing a Defective Product Liability Claim

Each state has its own statute of limitations for filing defective product liability claims.
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Tobacco Litigation: Claims Involving Light Cigarettes

Recent lawsuits against manufacturers of light cigarettes represent the latest trend in tobacco litigation.
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Tobacco Litigation: History & Recent Developments

Here's the current status of tobacco lawsuits against cigarette manufacturers.
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Toxic Mold Basics

Learn about toxic mold what it is, how to detect it, and how to get rid of it.
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Toxic Mold: Health Risks of Mold Exposure

Learn about the health risks associated with exposure to mold.
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Toxic Mold: Who To Sue

Who might be liable for injuries and damage from a toxic mold infestation?
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Toxic Tort Litigation: Common Defenses

Learn about the arguments and strategies often used by defendants in toxic tort lawsuits.
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Toxic Torts FAQ

A toxic tort is a legal claim for harm caused by exposure to a dangerous substance such as a pharmaceutical drug, pesticide, or chemical.
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Toxic Torts Overview

Learn the basics of toxic tort law: liability for damage from pesticides, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals drugs.
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Toxic Torts: Legal Theories of Liability

Learn how defendants can be held legally responsible for injuries in toxic tort cases.
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Traffic Accidents FAQ

Get answers to your questions about fault, proof, and insurance after a traffic accident.
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Traffic Court: Getting the Police Officers Notes

To effectively fight a speeding or traffic ticket, get the police officer's notes before you go to court.
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Traffic Fines, License Suspensions, and Traffic School

f you've gotten a speeding or other traffic ticket, you might face a fine, traffic school, higher insurance premiums, or even the suspension of your driver's license.
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Travel Insurance: The Benefits and Limitations

A look at different types of travel insurance and what's covered.
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Travel Scams: Where to Get Help

If you've been scammed, here's where to turn first.
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Trees and Neighbors FAQ

Frequently asked questions to help you deal with troublesome trees.
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Trucking Accidents Caused by Brake and Tire Failure

Learn the common causes of brake failure or defective tires that lead to accidents.
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Trucking Accidents Caused by Driver Error

Truck driver errors contribute to the majority of truckingaccidents. Here are the most common ones.
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U.S. Citizenship by Birth or Through Parents

You may already be a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization andnot know it.
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Understanding Your Health Insurance Coverage

You can avoid health plan disputes by learning exactly how your insurance coverage works.
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Vaccine Injuries: The Federal Compensation Program

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) gives a legal remedy to people injured by childhood vaccines.
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Warranty Rights FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions about express and implied product warranties.
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What Happens If You Default on Your Student Loans

Know what to expect if you fall behind on student loan payments.
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What Happens to Your Money If Your Financial Institution Fails or Is Acquired?

What's protected and what's at risk if your bank, credit union, brokerage, or insurance company fails.
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What to Do When Youre Mad at Your Lawyer

Here are some strategies designed to get results from a less than helpful lawyer.
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What You Should Expect From a Lawyer

If you're dissatisfied with your lawyer, this article will help you determine whether your complaints are reasonable.
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When a New Dog Is Sick

Buying a sick animal at a pet shop is disturbingly common here's what to do if it happens to you.
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When Is an ISP Liable for the Acts of Its Subscribers?

In the United States, Internet Service Providers that follow therules are provided a powerful shield by two federal laws. Here'show they work.
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When Should You Sue?

Before you file a lawsuit, you need to decide a few things aboutyour potential case.
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Whiplash Injuries: The Basics

ommon symptoms and causes of whiplash, in car accidents and other kinds of injury cases.
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Whos at Fault for an Accident FAQ

Injured in an accident? Proving who is responsible for an accident can be tough.
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Will Medical Personnel Honor My Health Care Documents?

What duty do health care providers have to follow your instructions for medical care?
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Wind and Rain Damage to Fences in California: Sources of Recovery

When winter weather hits California, wind and rain can damage property owners fences.
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Winning a Green Card Through the Visa Lottery

50,000 green card lottery slots are available each year you could be eligible for one.
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Women Buying Cars

If you are a woman buying a new or used car, follow these tips to get the car you need at the price you want.
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Workplace Injury: When You Can Sue Outside of Workers Compensation

Workers' compensation insurance may not be your only recourse for a workplace injury.
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Workplace Smoking Laws

The days when smoking cigarettes in the workplace was as accepted as drinking coffee are long gone.
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Write a Winning Demand Letter

To settle your insurance claim, you must craft a convincing demand letter. Here are some tips.
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Wrongful Death Claims: An Overview

Learn about wrongful death claims what they are, when survivorscan sue, who might be liable, and what damages survivors canrecover.
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Your Drivers License FAQ

Answers to questions on driving outside of your state, driving with a suspended or revoked license, and driving when you're over 65.
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