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58 articles found

Access to Online Accounts: Helping Your Executor and Loved Ones

Make sure your executor or another trusted person can find the passwords and usernames for your digital accounts.
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Advice to Trustees: Get Along With Beneficiaries

A trustee's job easier is made easier by a friendly relationship with beneficiaries.
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As sole agent for my moms durable power of attorney for finances, must I report to my brother?

To know whether you are legally required to provide financial reports to anyone, including your brother, turn to the power of attorney document itself.
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Avoiding Probate with Joint Ownership

Learn how joint ownership of property helps in avoiding probate.
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Avoiding Probate: The Small Estate

Learn probate shortcuts or even how to avoid probate altogether for small estates.
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Claiming Pensions, Veterans, and Other Benefits: Information for Executors and Beneficiaries

How surviving family members can get all available benefits after a loved one dies.
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Claiming Wages After a Family Member Dies

When a breadwinner dies, surviving family members may have an urgent need for the wages that person had earned before his or her death.
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Conservatorships and Adult Guardianships

Learn about conservatorships and guardianships for elders or other adults.
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Do I Need Life Insurance?

Not everyone needs life insurance. Find out whether or not you do.
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Do I Need More Than a Will?

Learn whether you need a trust, power of attorney, or health care directive in addition to a will.
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Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How it Works

The durable financial power of attorney is a simple way to arrange for someone to handle your finances.
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Estate and Gift Tax FAQ

Get informed about estate and gift tax laws with this easy introduction.
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Estate Tax: Will Your Estate Have to Pay?

Only some estates, larger than $5 million, owe federal estate tax.
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Final Arrangements FAQ

Planning some of the details of your burial or cremation and your memorial service can be a great relief to your survivors.
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Financial Powers of Attorney: Do You Need One?

Almost everyone can benefit from a durable power of attorney for finances.
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Foreclosure FAQ

Avoid or delay foreclosure with short sales, deeds in lieu of foreclosure, bankruptcy, and other tactics.
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Grounds for Challenging a Will

It's rare, but courts can toss out a will if it doesn't meet certain requirements.
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Help Your Executor: Secured Places and Passwords

Does your executor know how to find the things you've hidden?
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Helping an Elder Make a Power of Attorney

Here's how to help an elderly loved one make a financial or medical power of attorney.
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How Beneficiaries Can Claim Life Insurance and Social Security Benefits

Access life insurance, annuity funds, and social security benefits.
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How Beneficiaries Can Claim Payable-on-Death Assets

Here's how inheritors can record ownership of POD assets left to them.
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How Is an Estate Settled If Theres No Will: Intestate Succession

Intestate succession controls who inherits property if no will exists.
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How Joint Owners Can Transfer Survivorship Property After Death

How to document the transfer of property held in joint tenancy and other kinds of survivorship property.
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How Living Trusts Avoid Probate

Here are the basics on avoiding probate with living trusts.
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How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

What to consider when determing the amount of life insurance tobuy.
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How to Avoid Probate

Learn the most popular ways of avoiding probate.
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Inheritance Rights

Your closest relatives may have a right to claim part of your estate.
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Living Will, Power of Attorney, or Advance Directive?

These documents direct your health care if you're unable to communicate your wishes.
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Making a Will: Are Lawyers Optional?

Most people don't need a lawyer to make their will. Here's why.
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Planning Your Funeral or Memorial Service

Written funeral plans will spare your family worry and confusion.
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Practical Estate Planning: Organize Your Documents

Help your family and make your executor's job easier bygetting your paperwork in order.
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Preventing Challenges to Your Financial Power of Attorney

These tips may ensure that your financial power of attorney is accepted.
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Probate FAQ

You've heard that you should avoid probate but why? Here are the basics.
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Providing for Your Pet After You Die

Make formal arrangements for the care of your pet after you die here's how.
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Real Estate Terminology for Home Sellers

Learn key real estate terms involved in selling a house.
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Reduce Estate Tax by Making Gifts

Making gifts during your life can provide you with tax savings and more.
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Revoking a Will

Want to revoke your will? The best way is to make a new will.
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Settling an Estate: Does The Will Appear Valid?

Understand the basic requirements of a valid will before you rely on it to wrap up the estate.
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Settling an Estate: When Executors Should Take a Second Look at the Will

Certain provisions in the will may raise questions. What should executors watch out for?
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Should You Accept the Job of Executor to Settle an Estate?

Are you qualified to be an executor and do you want to do the job?
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Special Needs Trusts

Use a trust to leave money to a loved one with a disability without jeopardizing government benefits.
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State and Local Health and Safety Laws

Many states and municipalities have laws that mandate a certain level of safety in the workplace
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Tax-Saving AB Trusts

Wealthy married couples get a big tax break when it comes to the federal gift/estate tax.
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The Durable Power of Attorney: Health Care and Finances

Understand medical and financial powers of attorney and why youneed to prepare both.
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The Living Will and Power of Attorney for Health Care: An Overview

It's smart to make documents setting forth your wishes for health care in case you are ever unable to speak for yourself.
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The Prepaid Funeral and Its Perils

You should be extremely cautious about funeral prepayment.
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The Simple Will: No Frills, No Fuss, No Anxiety

A basic will may be all you need.
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The Trustees Job: The First Six Months

If you take over as trustee of a living trust, here's what to expect early on.
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Transfer Your Life Insurance and Decrease Your Estate Tax

If you don't own your life insurance policy, it's not part of yourtaxable estate.
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Trusts: Should You Serve as Trustee?

You've been chosen to manage a trust. Do you want the job?
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Using Roth IRAs to Avoid Probate

Roth IRAs are a great way to save and a great way to avoid probate.
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Vacation Homes: Keeping Them in the Family

Good planning around your family cottage or vacation home can avoid disputes and forced sales.
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What a Will Wont Do

A will isn't the place to handle certain kinds of property orissues.
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What Do My Living Will and Power of Attorney for Health Care Cover?

Medical issues to address in your living will and power of attorney for health care.
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What Does an Executor Do?

Settling an estate, in or out of probate court.
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When Your Parent Loses a Mate: How to Help

If your parent loses a life partner, you can provide both emotional and practical support.
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Why Avoid Probate?

Avoiding probate is a good idea.
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Why You May Not Need a Living Trust

A living trust is an excellent way to avoid probate. But do you really need one?
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