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71 articles found

Avoiding Capital Gains Tax When Selling Your Home: Read the Fine Print

If you sell your home, you may exclude up to $250,000 of your capital gain from tax or up to $500,000 for married couples.
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Beginning Your Home Search

Learn how to survey the housing market, locate promising homes for sale, and decide what you really want in a house.
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Buying a Foreclosed Home: Your Way Into the Real Estate Market?

With record levels of foreclosures having hit the real estate market in recent years, potential buyers feel they've spotted an enticing opportunity.
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Buying a Home: Overview

Interested in buying a house? Orient yourself to the steps ahead, from researching neighborhoods to closing the deal.
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Buying a House FAQ

Can I afford to buy a house?
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Buying a House in Your Twenties: Can You Afford It?

If you're just starting out, here's what you should consider before buying a house.
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Buying an Affordable House: Top Tips

Are you experiencing sticker shock? The number of zeros on a house's price tag makes buying a challenge for most people.
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Can a Timeshare Be Foreclosed for Nonpayment of Fees or Assessments?

If you buy a timeshare, you'll ordinarily be responsible for maintenance fees, special assessments, utilities, and taxes pertaining to the property.
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Canceled Mortgage Debt: What Happens at Tax Time?

The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act gives some taxpayers a break.
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Cobuying a Home

Buying a first or second home with friends or family can make it more affordable.
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Collect Your Court Judgment With a Real Estate Lien

Learn what a real estate lien is, and how it might help you get your money.
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Comparing Mortgages: Points, Interest Rates, and Fees

Use a mortgage calculator to compare mortgages that differ in interest rates, points, and fees.
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Contingencies to Include in Your House Purchase Contract

The standard home purchase contract lists several conditions that must be met before the closing will take place, covering issues like financing, inspections, insurance, and more. These conditions are called "contingencies." They're important to give you (the home buyer) an out if, for example, your financing falls through or other uncontrollable events or discoveries create barriers to your finalizing the deal.
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Deeds FAQ

Quitclaim deeds, grant deeds, warranty deeds, trust deeds answers to frequently asked questions about deeds.
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Defenses to Foreclosure

Challenge a foreclosure by bringing a defense such as unconscionability or lender mistake.
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Do I Need a Building Permit to Construct a Tiny House in My Backyard?

Often defined as a house that is 80 to 400 square feet, and built either on a traditional house foundation or on a trailer bed (with or without wheels), tiny houses have grown rapidly in popularity.
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Dont Lose Your Home to Foreclosure Rescue Scammers

Foreclosure "rescue" scammers steal your home, equity, and money.Here's how to protect yourself.
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Escrow and Your Role as Home Seller

Here's why escrow takes weeks, and what you'll be called upon to do as the seller during this time.
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False Affidavits in Foreclosures: What the Robo-Signing Mess Means for Homeowners

The robo-signing scandal is an opportunity for homeowners to challenge foreclosures in court, negotiate with lenders, and buy time.
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Financing Your Home Improvement Project

Homeowners planning a remodel or home improvement project should carefully consider how they will finance the job.
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FSBO or a Real Estate Agent?

If you sell your home yourself, without the assistance of a real estate agent, you can save a bundle on commissions.
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Getting Rid of PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance)

Private mortgage insurance (PMI) protects the lender in the event that you default on your mortgage payments and your house isn't worth enough to entirely repay the lender through a foreclosure sale.
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Home Buying Timeline: From Offer to Purchase Contract

After you've made an offer to buy a house, the seller will accept your offer, make a counteroffer with one or more changes, or reject the offer outright.
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Home List Price: What Is a House Worth?

What does the advertised, or "list," price of a house really mean with regard to how much you should offer?
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Homebuying Readiness Quiz

Answer these eight questions to find out whether you're ready to start shopping.
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Homeowner Tax Breaks: Recent Developments

Learn about recent tax credits and tax deductions for homeowners.
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Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and CC&Rs

When you buy a home in a new subdivision, common interest development (CID), planned unit development (PUD), or co-op, chances are good that you also automatically become a member of an exclusive club the homeowners' association (HOA).
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Homeowners Insurance: Got Enough Coverage?

Determine whether you have enough homeowners' insurance to meet your needs.
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Homeowners Insurance: What You Need to Know

Before finalizing a mortgage loan, lenders require homebuyers to purchase at least a minimal level of "hazard insurance," which is part of the standard homeowners' insurance policy.
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Homeowners Right to Views

Contrary to popular belief, most homeowners do not have a right to their view.
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How to Avoid Foreclosure

Steps to avoid foreclosure or at least minimize its impact.
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How to Deduct a Loss On a Timeshare Sale

A timeshare property is a vacation home that several people own together and share the use of.
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If I dont pay HOA assessments, can my HOA charge fees or penalties?

Yes. If you live in a community that is part of a homeowners' association (HOA) and fall behind in your HOA dues or assessments, the HOA most likely will be able to charge you additional fees and/or penalties.
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Incentives to Homebuyers Help Seal the Deal

Cash-strapped home buyers would rather have their closing costs paid than a flat-screen TV.
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Is Home Staging Worth The Cost?

You're already paying to fix up your home in preparation for sale. Is it worth paying a home stager too?
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Leaving Real Estate to Your Children

It’s common for siblings to inherit real estate—the family house, or maybe a vacation cottage—together.
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Listing Your House: What List Price Should You Set?

If you're about to put your house on the market, you're probably wondering, "How much can I get for it?" And indeed, you and your real estate agent should be checking out the competition (or "comparables," in real estate lingo) and figuring out your house's likely market value.
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Low Home Appraisal: What to Do

Don't let your real estate deal get scuttled by an inaccurately low home appraisal.
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Making an Offer to Buy a House

How to make an offer on a house, including determining the right purchase price and adding contingencies.
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Mold: Is It Hiding in the Home Youre Buying?

Recognize potential mold problems before buying a house and getthe seller's full disclosure for mold problems you can't see.
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Mortgage Modification and Refinancing Under the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan

Refinance or reduce your mortgage payments under Obama's plan, meant to slow down foreclosures.
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Mortgage Rate Locks: How They Work

When considering a mortgage rate lock-in, negotiate the terms and time period you need.
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Mortgage Refinancing to Avoid Foreclosure: The HOPE for Homeowners Act

The HOPE for Homeowners Act helps owners at risk of foreclosure to refinance their mortgages.
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Moving Up: Selling Your Home and Buying Another

Avoid getting stuck paying two mortgages when buying your next house.
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Negotiate the Agents Commission When Selling Your House

Save money when you sell your home by reducing your real estate agent's commission.
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New-Home Defects: Holding Your Builder Responsible

Many buyers choose newly built homes only to discover built-in damage later.
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Newly Built Houses: Pros and Cons of Buying

There's something inherently appealing about a brand new house you get to pick out the countertops, drapes, and appliances, and have everything designed just the way you want it.
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Pros And Cons Of Using a Dual Agent to Help Buy a California Home

You decide that you’d like to buy a new home in California, so you call your local real estate brokerage office and speak to an agent there.
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Qualifying for a Mortgage

Here's the formula bank lenders use to determine how much mortgage you can afford.
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Real Estate Terminology for Home Buyers

Here are some common real estate terms to know when getting ready to buy a home. For more unusual terminology, try searching Nolo's Legal Dictionary.
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Refinancing Your Mortgage in Todays Market

Today's economy and struggling real estate market pose challenges for many homeowners.
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Required Disclosures When Selling Real Estate

What you need to disclose to potential home buyers about your property.
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Researching the Best Places to Live

Relocating to a new city, community, or neighborhood? Find information on schools, housing costs, local resources, and more.
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Reverse Mortgages for Retirees and Seniors

Learn about reverse mortgages and whether you are a good candidate for one.
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Rural Neighbors and the Right to Farm

Before you build your dream house in the country, thoroughly investigate the surroundings.
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Selling Your Home in a Down Market

Tips for selling your home when the real estate market is slow.
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Selling Your Home: Overview

Learn about the home selling process, step by step.
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Selling Your House FAQ

Tips for selling your house: setting the right price, timing the sale, and hiring an agent.
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Short Sale Fraud: Three Scams to Avoid

Short sale buyers and sellers need to watch out for these common fraud scenarios.
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Short Sale of Your Home: Is It Right for You?

Having trouble paying your mortgage? You may have heard that a short sale is the answer to your problems.
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Short Sales and Deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure

A short sale or deed in lieu may help avoid foreclosure or a deficiency.
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Single-Woman Homebuyers: What to Consider

An unprecedented number of single women are buying a home on their own. Here's how to make it the best decision of your life.
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Stricter Mortgage Requirements for Homebuyers

Remember the days when lenders wouldhand out loans based on the borrowers' promises about their income or inanticipation of the house's rises in value?
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Title Insurance: Why a Home Buyer Needs It

Getting title insurance is one of the standard steps home buyers take before closing on a home purchase.
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Vacation Homes: Keeping Them in the Family

Good planning around your family cottage or vacation home can avoid disputes and forced sales.
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When Foreclosure Threatens: Can You Afford to Keep Your Home?

f you face foreclosure, realistically assess whether you should keep your home.
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When Home Equity Loans or Lines of Credit Can Lead to Trouble

Use your home equity loan or line of credit wisely here's how.
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Where to Shop for a Mortgage

You can save real money if you carefully shop for a mortgage. Even a one-quarter percentage point difference in interest rates can mean savings of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan.
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Your Home in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

You can stop foreclosure and save your home in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
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Your Home List Price Should You Lower It?

If your house isn't selling, price may be the problem. Find out when to drop the price and by how much.
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Your House as a Rental Property? Gauge Its Tenant-Appeal

Having trouble selling your house? Ask yourself these questions about its likely appeal to tenant's.
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